#4499 Mirrors for Fedora metalink out of date
Closed: Fixed None Opened 9 years ago by filbranden.

= bug description =


A few percentage of times I seem to be getting an out of date XML from
the metalink URL for Fedora 20 updates on 64-bit Intel

Logs here:

The ones with two sha256's (e6a6d3 and 689b66) are incorrect, sha256
919809 seems to be the correct one.

This is causing temporary but frequent failures running yum update...

Can you please check your mirrors for the metalink are in sync and/or
remove the bogus one from the list?

What's the appropriate way to report these problems? I wish the top
page in https://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/ would have a link to a
dashboard and to an issue tracker with a link to a page where I could
file an issue...


= bug analysis =

Problem seems to be with this mirror:

= fix recommendation =

Remove mirror from the load balance.

I am currently looking into this, and it should work now, but I have no ETA on a root cause analysis (in the meantime I can probably prevent it from happening with manual intervention).

Thanks for reporting.

This should be all fixed now.

We are going to look at adding some monitoring to detect if this ever happens again.

Thanks for the report.

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