#1893 RFE: Private pull requests
Opened 7 years ago by puiterwijk. Modified a year ago

It would be great if Pagure could also handle private pull requests.
These would for example be generated by just uploading a patch to Pagure so I don't have to push a branch anywhere, but the main advantage would be that I can use the official pull request system for security fixes.

Metadata Update from @pingou:
- Issue tagged with: RFE

7 years ago

This would be interesting in the openSUSE case too... (cc: @hellcp)

So these are basically two things to implement?

1) Possibility to mark PRs as private to limit access / visibility
2) Feature to create a PR based on an uploaded patch file without link to a forked repo / branch

Metadata Update from @wombelix:
- Issue set to the milestone: 6.0

a year ago

1) Possibility to mark PRs as private to limit access / visibility

This would require a private fork as well and we would fight the ability to pull
down refs/pull/XXX/head which anyone can do atm.

2) Feature to create a PR based on an uploaded patch file without link to a forked repo / branch

We'll still have the refs issue but that might be the better approach. Won't be
an easyfix for sure.

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