#253 pull fedora-specific bits into a submodule
Opened 8 years ago by tflink. Modified 6 years ago

After a discussion in #fedora-qa, there is interest by other folks in using Taskotron on something other than Fedora.

To make this more practical for them, I'd like to move the fedora-specific bits out of the core libtaskotron and into a submodule so that everyone isn't required to have koji, fedora-client et. al installed in order to use taskotron.

I don't think this will be terrible (famous last words ...) but it will require a bit of work to make it happen while keeping the same functionality we have. For the moment, disposable clients are a higher priority because libtaskotron should run without the fedora bits even if it's a bit ugly for now.

This ticket had assigned some Differential requests:

We've been asked to at least get this to the point where libtaskotron can be installed on a debian-based box by early September. Some rough edges are OK but it would need to work.

That being said, I don't want to try this until the disposable-develop branch has been merged back into develop - that sounds like a merge from hell waiting to happen.

I wrote up a proof-of-concept in D581. The code is really rough but it works and should be a good jumping-off point for discussion

While the modular bits are in place, there are still some fedora-isms in libtaskotron-core. We'll need to abstract those away or make them less required before this can be closed

Metadata Update from @tflink:
- Issue marked as depending on: #266
- Issue marked as depending on: #267
- Issue marked as depending on: #283
- Issue marked as depending on: #295

6 years ago

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