#48 create service/daemon for taskotron trigger
Closed: Fixed None Opened 10 years ago by tflink.

Currently, trigger needs to be run manually in a console which is not great from an administration point of view. Determine whether running fedmsg-hub as a systemd service is a) possible and b) a good idea. If going the systemd route is neither of those, explore other options which we can use in the future.

This ticket had assigned some Differential requests:

Actually, I'm not sure this is needed. As written, we should be able to use the existing fedmsg-hub service file.

The only constraint with the systemd file as written is that it runs as the "fedmsg" user. We could probably override that easily with ansible.

To clarify this ticket a bit, we still need some other method of running fedmsg-hub because the current system is just running in a terminal

Just double checking. Have you tried systemctl start fedmsg-hub?

It should just work. You get logs in /var/log/fedmsg/fedmsg-hub.log

@ralph systemctl start fedmsg-hub works, but the logs go into /var/log/messages on my system.

this may not be clear from the ticket, but I'd prefer to use fedmsg-hub instead of writing something from scratch. One of the questions in my mind is about what happens to the log messages, though.

The logging should be configurable from /etc/fedmsg.d/. For infrastructure hosts, we have it configured this way: http://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org/cgit/ansible.git/tree/roles/fedmsg/base/templates/logging.py.j2#n91

To summarize our config there: "Everything should go to stdout (and then be caught by the sysvinit stuff and sent to /var/log/fedmsg/fedmsg-hub.log). But error messages should also be mailed to a sysadmin group with context about where they came from."

Closed by commit rTRGRed9ad67182fb.

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