#60 Determine Top Level Namespaces
Closed: Fixed None Opened 8 years ago by tflink.

Come up with a plan for what the top level namespaces are going to be and what they'll be used for initially. Make sure that the initial top level namespaces are well documented.

This ticket had assigned some Differential requests:

The two top level namespaces that we're going to start with are:
1. qa - for the current tasks (rpmlint, depcheck and upgradepath). Tasks that hopefully will be added sooner than later like abipkgdiff and rpmgrill will be in this namespace as well. Maintainers of the tasks in this namespace would be either us or a trusted third party.
2. pkg - for the package-specific tasks that wil be located in Fedora's dist-git. Anyone who has access to the task repo is a maintainer of the task. The root namespace of each task for a package would be pkg.$pkgname.

Any additions to the list? Other thoughts?

I can't think of any others right now - that list looks good to me

For bookkeeping purposes, there was a discussion about this on the qa-devel list here:

For the initial implementation, qa. and pkg. seem like the prime candidates.

! In #717#9768, @mkrizek wrote:
Tasks that hopefully will be added sooner than later like abipkgdiff and rpmgrill will be in this namespace as well. Maintainers of the tasks in this namespace would be either us or a trusted third party.

Initially, why not, but eventually I'd like tasks even from trusted maintainers to be in their own namespace (either under user. or team. or similar). It will make the permission model simpler (any task from qa git repos have full write access to qa. namespace and no other task), and it will eliminate problems from unwanted mistakes. Also it will make it clear who's the maintainer of that task.

Thinking more about this (and looking at D759), maybe we could also add scratch namespace right away, so that we have something to play with and test with?

I think we have agreed on three namespaces: qa, pkg and scratch and can close this. Namespaces will be documented as part of this ticket.

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