Fedora bootc base images

Create and maintain base bootable container images from Fedora packages.


The original Docker container model of using "layers" to model applications has been extremely successful. This project aims to apply the same technique for bootable host systems - using standard OCI/Docker containers as a transport and delivery format for base operating system updates.


First, the expectation is that most users will want to build layered images on top of the official base images. See the documentation5 for more info.

Building the images in this repo can be done with podman build as with any other application image (note that building with docker is not currently supported). You need to enable some privileges for technical reasons.

podman build --security-opt=label=disable --cap-add=all \
  --device /dev/fuse -t localhost/fedora-bootc .

See the Containerfile for more details.

You are of course also free to fork, customize, and build base images yourself. See this page6 of the documentation for more information.

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